Hello all,

My name is Orion,

I am a trans/non-binary individual seeking to begin my gender transition. I have struggled with gender and body dysphoria since I could remember. To be frank, it hasn't been easy. I have denied the feeling of a mismatch between my gender identity and the sex assigned to me at birth since I was little. It took me a long journey to get through this self-discovery and finally come to terms with how I wanted to identify and finally make this life-changing decision to transition and do everything it takes to live a much more authentic and happier life. Despite how exciting and monumental this decision is for me, I can't help but think about the financial burden this will put on me.

I am looking to start my transition as soon as I can make ends meet. Your donation would be going towards FFS (facial feminization surgery), laser hair removal, gender-affirming surgeries, etc. I hope you know just how far your donation will go and help me with my situation. Anything goes a long way.

Orion Apothecary is a genderless self-wellness brand that encourages genuine self-expression and aims to break the social misconception that one needs to be ‘delicate’ to partake in self-wellness/care. Everything is made from home, with love, hand-poured, and is environmental-friendly. 100% of the proceeds will go to my transition fund. Please shop for yourself or a loved one, all while helping me reach my personal goal to becoming my true, authentic self.

In the meantime, you can support me by following my Instagram @orionjuarrez as well as my Twitter at @orionjuarrez. You could also support me by making a purchase through my shop!

I send everyone all my love!

With Gratitude,

